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Prophecy in General
Prophecy--Preview of Coming Events - Presenting the major prophetic events in a simple way that even young people can understand (13 Lessons).
The Doctrine of Last Things (Prophecy) by Alva McClain
- A comprehensive but easily understood study of all the dispensations (13 Lessons)
Key Prophetic Events - A Chart (PDF format)
The Difficulty of Making Accurate Predictions--An Evidence of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures

Micah 5:2 - A Most Amazing Prophecy [Bulletin Insert]
Our Love for the Jews

The Nation that Cannot be Destroyed  [PDF Format] -Sunday School Lesson
Introduction to Prophecy  [PDF Format] -Sunday School Lesson
Chart of the Book of Revelation (PDF format)
The Prophetic Significance of Matthew Chapter 13 -  The Mysteries of the Kingdom
Biblical Teaching Regarding Climate Change, Now and in the Future
Climate Change in Biblical Perspective by Donald Knapp
25 Prophecies Fulfilled on the Day Christ Died

The Literal Interpretation of Prophecies

"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition" -- Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Consistent Literal Interpretation--A Study Showing the Inconsistencies of Non-Dispensationalists [PDF Format]  [PDF Printable B&W Format] [Audio Version] - Ten Examples of Incredible Inconsistencies on the Part of Those who are not Dispensational

Do You Interpret the Bible Literally?  Six Tests to See if You Do [PDF Format]
An Open Letter to Reformed Creationists [PDF Format]
J. C. Ryle and the Literal Interpretation of Prophecies
Spurgeon and the Literal Interpretation of Prophecy [PDF Format Only] - Spurgeon taught that the Jews would be restored to their land with Christ ruling on the earth from Jerusalem

The Millennial Temple of Ezekiel 40-48 by Dr. John Whitcomb (An Exercise in Literal Interpretation)
25 Prophecies Fulfilled on the Day Christ Died

The Last Days and Signs of the Times
What to Expect in the Days Ahead -Sunday School Lesson
True Peace and False Peace -Sunday School Lesson

The Rapture of the Church (Christ's Coming for His Believers)
Some Questions on the Rapture
Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?A study on the rapture of the church [PDF Format]
Problems With Post-Tribulationism A brief study by Manfred Kober showing that Christ will return in two phases separated by seven years
An Overview of Pretribulational Arguments--Seven Compelling Biblical Arguments by Mark Hitchcock
Why the Church Will Not Be in the Tribulation by William R. Newell
The Rapture
-Sunday School Lesson
Left Behind and Tribulation Force  - An Analysis of these Movies (this is not a review of the books)

Pre-Wrath Confusion [PDF Format]  - A critique exposing the problems of the Pre-Wrath Rapture View by George Zeller
Pre-Wrath Chaos - A Biblical analysis and refutation of Dr. Alan Kurschner's video presentation of "Seven Pretrib Problems" by James Ventilato

Is Date Setting Biblical by Dr. Manfred Kober (Harold Camping, etc.)
The Rapture--As Taught by Jesus (John 14:1-3) and by Paul (1 Thess. 4:13-18)
Two Distinct Phases of The Second Coming of Christ
Two Distinct Phases of the Second Coming Contrasted by Kelly Sensenig
A Comparison and Contrast Between the Rapture and the Second Coming by Lewis Sperry Chafer

The Removal of the Church -Sunday School Lesson
How Many Americans Will Be Raptured? - An Analysis of Dr. Tim LaHaye's overly generous estimate
Can a person who rejects the gospel prior to the rapture be saved during the tribulation?
A First Century Rapture Error - [Pamphlet Format]
Selected Scriptures Which Point to Christ's Imminent Return [PDF Format Only]

Dr. John Whitcomb on the Rapture, the Tribulation and the Second Coming
A Temporary Stay in the Motel (1 Thess. 4:13-18) - The Resurrection of Believers

The Judgment Seat of Christ and Rewards
Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth--Will This Be the Fate of True Christians?
The Five Judgments
The Difference Between Salvation and Rewards - a helpful chart [PDF Format]
Erroneous Views on the Judgment Seat of Christ and Rewards

The Time of Tribulation (Severe Distress Upon the Earth)
The Time of TRIBULATION - The Greatest Time of Trouble the World Will Ever Know
The Time of Great Trouble -Sunday School Lesson
The Devil's Man (The Man of Sin) -Sunday School Lesson
The Coming Russian/Islamic Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) - Sunday School Lesson
The Tribulation (Chart) - Daniel's 70th Week

Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy (Chart) by Ice/Demy
Can a person who rejects the gospel prior to the rapture be saved during the tribulation?
The Destruction of Jerusalem Compared and Contrasted with the Tribulation at the End of the Age (Luke 21:20-24) [PDF Format]
The Tribulation Plagues - A Brief Examination of Four Spectacular Plagues and Why it is Important to Expect a Literal Fulfillment of These Divine Judgments 
Why the Church Will Not Be in the Tribulation by William R. Newell

Dr. John Whitcomb on the Rapture, the Tribulation and the Second Coming
Daniel's Great 70 Week Prophecy (Daniel 9)--Exegetical Insights by Dr. John C. Whitcomb
Elijah is Coming - Fascinating Study on the Two Witnesses by Dr. John C. Whitcomb

The Antichrist and False Prophet
The Devil's Man (The Man of Sin) -Sunday School Lesson
The Antichrist (Chart) - The Beast of Revelation
Is the First Beast (in Revelation 13) the Antichrist?  by William Newell - a brief but excellent survey on what the Bible teaches about the Antichrist

Satan in Prophecy
The Diabolical Dragon (The Devil) -Sunday School Lesson
The Career of the Devil - A Chart

Israel in Prophecy

"I think we do not attach sufficient importance to the restoration of the Jews.  We do not think enough of it. But certainly, if there is anything promised in the Bible it is this.  I imagine that you cannot read the Bible without seeing clearly that there is to be an actual restoration of the children of Israel...May that happy day soon come!"
                      --Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)  
[C. H. Spurgeon, The C. H. Spurgeon Collection, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, I, no. 28, 1855 (Albany, Oregon: Ages Software, 1998), 382.]

Significant Dates in Israel’s History - Including Biblical History, Secular History, Modern History and Prophetic History
Can the Jews Be Destroyed?--A Message For All Who Believe Israel Has No Future
Romans Chapter 9--Israel's Past
Romans Chapter 10--Israel's Present
Romans Chapter 11--Israel's Future

A Comparison and Contrast Between Israel and the Church

A Compilation of Bible Prophecies Demonstrating that Israel Has a Glorious Future in the Plan and Purpose of God -An Antidote for Preterism, Amillennialism, Replacement Theology and any other teaching which denies the literal fulfillment of hundreds of very specific prophecies.
The Coming Russian/Islamic Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) - Sunday School Lesson
One of the Purposes of The Church: To Provoke Israel To Jealousy (Envy)
Spurgeon and the Future of Israel [PDF Format Only] - Spurgeon taught that the Jews would be restored to their land with Christ ruling on the earth from Jerusalem
An Open Letter to Reformed Creationists [PDF Format]

Replacement Theology - A 13-page paper by George Zeller

J. C. Ryle and the Future of Israel
Matthew 21:43 - Does This Verse Teach Replacement Theology?
The Jews - Why Are They So Hated?

The Second Coming of Christ
The Two Phases of Christ's Second Comings
The Second Coming of Christ -Sunday School Lesson
Two Distinct Phases of the Second Coming Contrasted by Kelly Sensenig
A Chart of the Two Phases of Christ's Second Coming A brief study by Manfred Kober
James H. Brookes: A Memoir - Why I Became a Pre-Millennialist
Two Distinct Phases of The Second Coming of Christ (PDF Format)
The Public and Spectacular Nature of Christ's Second Coming to Earth
Dr. John Whitcomb on the Rapture, the Tribulation and the Second Coming

Prophecy Charts
Key Prophetic Events
Two Distinct Phases of the Second Coming of Christ
Two Distinct Phases of the Second Coming Contrasted by Kelly Sensenig
A Comparison and Contrast Between the Rapture and the Second Coming by Lewis Sperry Chafer
A Comparison and Contrast Between the Rapture and the Second Coming by Dr. Manfred Kober
The Tribulation - Daniel's 70th Week
Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy by Ice/Demy
The Antichrist - The Beast of Revelation
The Career of the Devil
Chart of the Book of Revelation
Chart Showing the Difference Between the Judgment of the Sheep and the Goats and the Great White Throne Judgment
25 Prophecies Fulfilled on the Day Christ Died
A Comparison and Contrast Between Our Present World, the Millennium and the Eternal State

The Error of Preterism--The Erroneous Teaching that All or Most Prophecies were Fulfilled In or Around 70 A.D. (and that Christ's second coming took place nearly 2000 years ago).
The Great Tribulation - Future or Fulfilled?
J.C. Ryle and Preterism
The Public and Spectacular Nature of Christ's Second Coming to Earth
Did the Lord's "Coming In His Kingdom" Take Place in 70 A.D.? (Matthew 16:28)
Preterism Answered by the Scriptures--a thorough analysis (10 Chapters in length) of all of the favorite "time texts" used by the Preterists

The Destruction of Jerusalem Compared and Contrasted with the Tribulation at the End of the Age (Luke 21:20-24)
A Problem for Preterists--Romans 16:20
A Compilation of Bible Prophecies Demonstrating that Israel Has a Glorious Future in the Plan and Purpose of God -An Antidote for Preterism, Amillennialism, Replacement Theology and any other teaching which denies the literal fulfillment of hundreds of very specific prophecies.
Consistent Literal Interpretation--A Study Showing the Inconsistencies of Non-Dispensationalists - Ten Examples of Incredible Inconsistencies on the Part of Those who are not Dispensational

The Thousand Year Reign of Christ (Millennium)

“…the literal sense of the Old Testament prophecies has been far too much neglected by the Churches, and is far too much neglected at the present day, and that under the mistaken system of spiritualizing and accommodating Bible language, Christians have too often completely missed its meaning.”   

J. C. Ryle, Are you Ready for the End of Time, p. 9.

The Doctrine of the Kingdom by Alva McClain
The Dispensation of the KINGDOM

A Comparison and Contrast Between Our Present World, the Millennium and the Eternal State
"Let Thy Kingdom Come!" -Sunday School Lesson
The Millennial Temple of Ezekiel 40-48 by Dr. John Whitcomb (An Exercise in Literal Interpretation)
Progressive Dispensationalism -When and Where Does Christ Sit Upon the Throne of David?

Those Who Do Not Inherit the Kingdom--Are They Saved or Unsaved

Ten Things That Will Be True When Christ "Comes in His Kingdom" (Matthew 16:28)
Henry Alford on the Millennium and First Resurrection (Revelation 20)
The Millennial River (Ezekiel 47)
Ten Things That Must Take Place When Christ Comes in His Kingdom (Answers Preterism)

The Postponement of the Kingdom - and other Biblical examples of postponement
Will Only Faithful Believers Enter and Rule in the Millennium?   An important study by Pastor Kelly Sensenig

The Final Rebellion and the Final Judgment
The Final Rebellion and the Final Judgment -Sunday School Lesson
Discerning Between the Two Comings of Christ, the Five Judgments and the Two Resurrections -Sunday School Lesson
How Does God Judge Sinful Men? - Twelve Principles of Judgment from Romans Chapter 2
The Great White Throne Judgment - What Believers Can Learn from this Awesome Event
Chart Showing the Difference Between the Judgment of the Sheep and the Goats and the Great White Throne Judgment

The Two Resurrections
Discerning Between the Two Comings of Christ, the Five Judgments and the Two Resurrections
The Resurrection Body of Jesus (a Pattern for the Believer's Resurrection Body)

The Afterlife--Life and Death, Heaven and Hell
Plain Talk on Death [PDF Format] - A frank and vital discussion of death and the afterlife; it clearly explains God's way of salvation and forcefully defends the resurrection of Christ.  It was originally written for an unsaved loved one who was dying of terminal cancer.
Hell -Sunday School Lesson
Near Death Experiences--Do They Contribute to our Understanding of the Afterlife? [PDF Format]
Hades--Where is Sheol/Hades Located? (A Study of Ephesians 4:8-10)
How Does God Judge Sinful Men? - Twelve Principles of Judgment from Romans Chapter 2
Heaven, Our Eternal Home -Sunday School Lesson
Will There Be Animals in Heaven?

Where Do the Dead Go? A Detailed Study on Sheol/Hades and Other Related Topics
A Listing of Those Who Were Raised From the Dead
Is Luke 16:19-31 a Parable?
Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth--Will This Be the Fate of True Christians?
J. D. Faust, The Rod--Will God Spare It? -- Will True Believers Be Sent To Hell for a Thousand Years?

The Death Penalty for Mankind and for Christ Our Substitute -- What Does It Involve?
The Wrath of God Against Sinners


Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism - Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church
- Studies on Biblical Separation - Order Literature
Spanish Studies